NGARRA’s Uganda Village project is a community-based initiative aimed at empowering youth in a remote village in Uganda through the transformative power of photography and storytelling.
When you support Ngarra, you’re not giving a nameless, faceless donation. You’re stepping into the circle, sitting by the same fire as the communities we work with, and forging an embassy of shared purpose. Each contribution forms a bridge between you and the communities we serve, between those whose stories are told and those who listen. It is about forming an embassy of reciprocity, a relationship that honors both the givers and receivers, uniting us-all in a shared purpose and mutual respect. Your support is more more than funding; its a relationship; a step into right relation that keeps the fire burning bright for everyone it touches.
What we do couldn’t be done without you. You are creating the space for young people to tell their stories, to find their voices, and to shape their communities in ways that ripple far beyond what we can see. Creating change that makes a real difference, that is lasting, and is forever braided into the fabric of their lives and yours. Thank you for being part of this project. Without you the work we do, the lives we touch, and the change we make wouldn’t be possible. Your gift empowers young people, strengthen families, and uplifts entire communities, preserving the deep cultural wisdom that connects everyone on this planet, and brings us-all together.
It’s more than your generosity – it’s about your belief. Your belief in us, in these kids, in the power of story, in the strength of culture, and in the idea that together as one we can make a real difference. It is with your support we can continue to bridge cultures, foster connection, and honor the sacred web of life that binds us all – one story, one frame, one connection at a time.
We give because it’s lore, and its written everywhere – in the curves of the land, in the patterns of the sky, in the quiet spaces in between all things. The old people know this, as do the young. They read the country and the lore it holds the way others read a book, seeing the stories carved into stone, painted on cave walls, written in the patterns of trees and rivers, and in an inherited knowing that comes with being Human. Giving isn’t something we do; it is something we are.
To give is to live in balance. It’s not charity, not an act of kindness, but a responsibility – our role as custodial species. What we give comes back in ways we might never see, but will always feel. What we’re given, we must pass on. Somewhere along the way, we forgot that, but the land remembers. The sky remembers. It whispers it back to us if we listen. As we say in the language of the central desert here on the continent currently known as Australia, Napagi Napagi. Give, give. Not give to get, not to trade, but to keep the dance going – the dance that’s been spinning since the first breath of creation. The lore teaches us that everything is a gift. The land, the waters, the stories – they were handed to us by the Creator, by the ancestors, by the world itself. And what’s given freely must be given freely again, not hoarded or held tight. This isn’t just reciprocity; it’s deeper, older. It’s about living in a way that ensures those who come after us have what they need; and the only tool that will last, and always be relevant is Good Story. That is what we have to give, that is what we have to protect, that is what this is all about.
When we give, we honor those who came before us, the ones who kept the balance, and tended the fire long enough for us to be here. And we prepare the way for those who will follow, shaping the patterns they’ll walk into the future. We give because it’s not a choice – it’s the way the world works, the way the story continues.
NGARRA’s Uganda Village project is a community-based initiative aimed at empowering youth in a remote village in Uganda through the transformative power of photography and storytelling.